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You can hire Ognjen for  seminars — single or multiple days. Ognjen is also available for 1 - 1 personal training. This is the best option to  increase your technical, fight IQ, stamina or general fitness.

  • 1 on 1 Personal Training - 30 & 60 minute Sessions: At Gym or At Home.

  • 2 hours of ring tested techniques. Available from 1 day to 1 week.

New Jersey Muay Thai


Ognjen is  readily available for workshops in the New Jersey area.  He offers beginner or   advanced  workshops designed for competition.


MICHAEL 'CHASE' CORLEY Heritage    Muay Thai (Texas)

Ognjen is a 3X World Champion that comes from a strong lineage of Bangkok Stadium Gyms: Eminent Air and currently PK Saenchai. As an instructor Ognjen ties together elite BKK ring rested techniques along with the WHY? Behind it. What scores? What doesn’t score? Balance, posture, and the details on how to win. If your gym has athletes that compete in Muay Thai I can’t recommend a seminar with Ognjen enough.

SEAN FAGAN The    Muay Thai Guy

Ognjen is one of the best representatives for Muay Thai I can think of. He never backs down from a fight and competes at the highest level of the sport. His knowledge, passion, and skills are second to none and he definitely inspires me to continually evolve as a martial artist and fighter.

BOGDAN STOJČIĆ Victory Gym (Serbia)

2016. године у Србији били смо један од пионира ватреног преноса знања кроз семинаре. Већ тада је његов приступ разјашњавању техника и детаља који чине технику био толико систематски поједностављен да су чак и почетници са нижим нивоом знања лако могли да усвоје компликоване технике. Требало је похвалити његово стрпљење и страст са којима је приступио сваком детаљу. Сваки од 4 семинара имао је помно припремљену тему и сваки од ова четири је у трен ока прошао колико је брзо знање стечено.


Као неко ко има искуства са највећих светских бина, толико времена проведеног на тренинзима и рвању на Тајланду и неко са толико несебичности у трансферу ... једва чекамо нову прилику за нови семинар и дружење … Имао је времена и за разговор учесницима чак и на неколико рунди лаког спаринга ... Организовао сам многе семинаре са разним светским звездама, али Огњен је нешто посебно ...

SACHA HIJAZI Ottawa Fight & Fitness (Canada)

We've had Ognjen Topic at the gym (Ottawa Fight & Fitness) twice now for seminars, and will continue to bring him. Ognjen is able to effectively communicate his vast knowledge of Muay Thai while making the seminars fun and engaging. He also takes the time to answer any and all questions before, during and after the seminar. Everyone leaves with a better understanding of Muay Thai from techniques, to tactics and strategy. Highly recommended!


BRYAN POPEJOY Boxing Works (California)

I had they pleasure of hosting  Ognjen at my gym.  He’s an excellent teacher, communicates well, and brings real, applicable Muay Thai, from an active world class athlete.  I highly recommend having him at your gym.

JUAN DELGADO Be Ready  360 (Puerto Rico)

I've participated in many seminars and traveled to the U.S. for training but nothing like a seminar and private from Ognjen Topic. I had the blessing to fly him in last year for a seminar in Puerto Rico also took the opportunity to do some privates and his level of Muay Thai far exceeds anything I have had the opportunity to train in before, to be honest with you the best part is that he holds nothing back if it is a technique he has done in one of his numerous fights or he has learned from his years of training and fighting in Thailand he is an open book when it comes to teaching and talking about Muay Thai. Looking forward to having him back in P.R.

JAKE CHAMBERLAIN The House of Muay Thai    (Virginia)

Ognjen Topić is an excellent Muay Thai teacher. I hosted him for a seminar at my gym in Norfolk and everyone was blown away. He is a highly skilled technician with great form and a fierce fighter of course. But I was most impressed with his knowledge of set ups and attention to nuanced details that really helped to improved my game. Also if you get an opportunity to take a private lesson with him I highly recommend it. I can’t wait to train with with him again.



Ognjen Topić on a weeks notice, taught one of the most thoughtful, planned, and useful Muay Thai seminars I’ve seen. He did a great job of breaking down material that was effective  for brand new students, as well as professional fighters. He was attentive as students were drilling, walking around, answering questions, and demonstrating. He finished the technique portion with a Q and A, where he offered expert martial arts advice, and answered questions. I highly recommend Ognjen Topić and I look forward to having him back to my studio.

SEAN MADDEN  Elevation Fight Team (Colorado)

If you are looking for a high-quality Muay Thai seminar, from an active fighter who has competed at the top level, this is it! Ognjen Topic is one of the top Nak Muay to come from the US and has competed against some of the best. He brings his extensive knowledge and experience to his seminars, combined with his high fight IQ, for a fantastic experience for all levels of Muay Thai. The seminars are structured and well-organized, which is always a plus. He trains with the students and leaves time in the end for a Q&A, which gives the students time to ask questions about his fight career and otherwise. His dad jokes are also top-notch. We have hosted many Muay Thai seminars at Easton Muay Thai, and OT's is easily the best experience so far!

CHRISTIAN TRAN Weapons 9 (New Jersey)

Ognjen Topic is one of the most technically proficient fighter to come out of the US. He has tested himself against some of the top Fighters on the world stage. We had him at our gym for several seminars and it was an amazing experience. He covered everything he uses in all his fights and  the drills and instructions were excellent. We hope to have him back often.

ROBERT ROGAN  Square Circle (New York City)

Ognjen is a very personable, technical Muay Thai professional athlete that has been consistently active for many years. He has been currently training out of PK Saenchai MuayThai Gym in Bangkok with fighting roots here in the Northeast.   We have had him at our NYC training center for a Muay Thai seminar and it was GOLD.


Through his stateside, international and stadium Muay Thai experience, he is able to create workshop programming for the students with regards to what works for scoring in fights, techniques that have worked for him, tempo changes and balance. He's organized and able to explain everything in detail. And he's a down to earth guy.   We were fortunate to have him teach a seminar before he left for Bangkok to prep for a fight there, and we were able to time our trip to Bangkok and go out to support him. if you have an opportunity for Ognjen to teach a seminar at your academy, do it.

DOMEL LIBID Nalu Nosara (Costa Rica)

Ognjen Topic hosted a seminar at our studio in Nosara Costa Rica.  It was an amazing week!   He is not only a knowledgeable and skilled instructor but also all around great guy.  Alongside with teaching classes at the studio, we did a demo at the local school and to this day it has inspired the kids to reach for their dreams.  We hope to see him back here soon!

RICARDO PEREZ Toro Muay Thai (Chicago)

Ognjen Topic is the best Muay Thai Fighter in America but not only is he a great fighter but also a great Teacher! That’s the main reason why I am bringing him out again and will do so every year!

JAMES T SMITH UFC Gym (New Jersey)

This guy is the best pure Muay Thai fighter in America, period! His technique, skill set and detailed drills are the best I’ve had. I can’t wait to have this guy back for a seminar at UFC Gym North Brunswick. Anyone out there looking for a good seminar for beginner and advanced, I recommend Ognjen Topic.

GENE BYARD Revolution Muay Thai (Virginia)

Having had Ognjen at my former gym for a seminar, I can say first hand that his instruction is top notch, and I would feel comfortable recommending him to anyone. He was able to adapt to all levels, from our fight team to our newer students. His attention to detail went above and beyond, and his ability to adapt what he showed to certain situations that our students brought up was extremely valuable.


While his technical instruction was extremely valuable, our students found his open Q&A session at the end just as valuable. They were able to ask about anything Muay Thai related...Training in Thailand, his own career path, training tips, etc. This was a nice touch and made a lasting impact on myself and my students.

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