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The TopicFight™ Train By Topic Series contains video clips that include 1-on-1 drills, pad work, best practices, judging and scoring all separated by different topics. Everything you will need to further develop your fight skills. Although geared towards Muay Thai fighters, Kickboxing &
MMA practitioners will also benefit from the skills taught. These drills were formulated with general, advanced practitioners, fighters and coaches in mind. Coaches can further develop their students skills during class by teaching the drills.
》Monthly fee of $14.99 or yearly fee of $99.99 for all TopicFight™ Train By Topic Video Series videos.
》(Separate from Stage 1 TopicFight Development Series).
TopicFight™ Train By Topic Video Series

After you’ve developed your Timing, Feinting and Faking techniques. Head down to the Train By Topic Series for detailed solo, partner combinations, pad work, bag work and more instructionals.
$14.99/MONTH | $99.99/YEAR
Below are techniques and strategies separated by different Topics. Updated regularly with new techniques.
Training By Topic

To help you understand the videos easier, below is commonly used terminology in the videos.
QUICK STEP Quick Step is an abrupt shuffle of the feet which not only helps generate speed, but places your body closer to the target at an off beat time.
SHUFFLE A technique used to change stance in a quicker and MORE explosive manner. (Quicker than a “switch” or “skip.”)
GALLOP A technique used to close distance before striking in order not to miss the target.
FILLER TECHNIQUE A technique used to create distraction to place opponent in a position more suitable for your attack or open opponent up for an attack.
ELEMENT OF CONFUSION A technique used to create confusion to an opponent, before striking with a real and meaningful technique.
VULNERABLE POSITION Anytime your opponent is placed in a position where they cannot correctly defend themselves or see your oncoming attack.
STANDARD TIMING ATTACK Conventional and ordinary way of attacking done on the first beat.
ADVANCED TIMING ATTACK PATTERN 1 Interrupting your attack mid way to strike at an off beat time (for detailed steps to perform this technique see Timing Series).
ADVANCED TIMING ATTACK PATTERN 2 Pausing before striking at an off beat time (for detailed steps to perform this technique see Timing Series).
FAKING PATTERN 1 Indicate, Attack (for detailed steps to perform this technique see Faking Series).
FAKING PATTERN 2 Indicate, Add, Attack (for detailed steps to perform this technique see Faking Series).
FAKING PATTERN 3 Indicate, Change, Attack (for detailed steps to perform this technique see Faking Series).
FEINTING PATTERN 1 Indicate, Attack (for detailed steps to perform this technique see Feinting Series).
FEINTING PATTERN 2 Indicate, Add, Attack (for detailed steps to perform this technique see Feinting Series).
FEINTING PATTERN 3 Indicate, Pause, Attack (for detailed steps to perform this technique see Feinting Series).
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